What's this blog about?

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Background

So my girlfriend and I have decided to move in together. To clarify, my girlfriend will be moving into my house.

The problem?

My girlfriend owns a cat named Joey who will be moving into my home as well.

The other problems?

Let's see... where do I begin?

Firstly, to say I have a dislike towards the notion of having a pet in my home is akin to exclaiming Michael Jackson wasn't quite happy with his nose in 1983. Plainly put, I have an abhorrence for animals. More specifically, I have a disdain for dogs, a contempt for cats, a repulsion towards reptiles... I think you get my drift.

On top of that, I have severe OCD which causes me to constantly fret over the cleanliness and tidiness of my home. The thought of having a creature shedding hair and tracking dirt on my immaculate carpets is horrifying to say the least.

Joey and I are already off to a great start, no?

To make matters worse (as if that was even remotely possible), I work from home while my girlfriend has a more traditional office job that often causes her to work late hours. Thus I will be spending all of my mornings, afternoons, and much of my evenings alone with Joey, my new archnemesis.

"Alone with Joey." Sound like famous last words to me, if ever there were any.

This blog serves to record the trials and travails of the relationship that Joey and I will forge as we attempt to cohabitate peacefully in the same small home.

The journey begins tonight as my girlfriend brings Joey to my home (correction, "our home" - it will take some time to get used to that idea) for the first time.

How will I react? How will Joey handle the transition?

My girlfriend is already scared that I will "accidentally" sit on the cat while it lays on the couch, in a Chrissy Moltisanti situation (without the copious amounts of heroin in my system).

Stay tuned...

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